

A Working for an MP Guide
First Published 14 January 2013 w4mp
Last Updated 14 January 2013 w4mp
Last Reviewed 14 January 2013 w4mp
Revision Notes

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ParliAble – Workplace Equality Network in support of DisabilityParliAble is a Workplace Equality Network in support of disabled Members of Parliament, Peers, staff in Parliament, and all who work on the Parliamentary Estate.ParliAble is open to both those who consider themselves to have a disability and those who have an interest in supporting disabled people.ParliAble’s Mission Statement:“To increase awareness and appreciation of disability issues on the Parliamentary estate, and to provide a platform where disabled people can find support, and where disability equality objectives can be progressed.”The official launch shall take place on 14th September 2011 in Mr Speaker’s House. If you would like to attend the launch or future events please sign up to become a member.

If you wish to attend the launch you need to email us by 2 September 2011.

Email – parliable@parliament.ukTelephone – 0207 219 14252525 August 2011