Added: 31 May 2010
The House of Commons subscribes to a range of commercial websites and databases, which are made available via the Parliamentary Intranet to all Parliamentary Network users.
Examples include news monitoring resources; case law and statute databases, biographical reference; and journals and periodicals;
These services are listed on the Online resources A-Z page on the intranet.
To use a particular service, click on the title link for that resource. This will take you to an intermediate access page giving details of passwords, if required (some of these sites require a username and password, while others use ‘silent’ logins). On the intermediate access page, simply click on the logo or on the link in the opening paragraph and follow the access instructions.
Some intermediate access pages may also have links to online help or documentation such as user guides or manuals.
If you wish to add any of these services to your Favourites please bookmark the intermediate access page, rather than the service itself, as passwords / access arrangements may change from time to time.
Some services only allow a limited number of users at one time. This is determined by the terms of the Library’s subscriptions to different services. If you get an error message that the maximum number of users has been exceeded please try again later.
Please note that the Library does not have any control over the content, search software or frequency of updating of information. The Library reviews usage of its online services; from time to time a subscription may be discontinued and new services may be added to the intranet.
Demonstrations of services take place on a regular basis. These are usually held in the Vardon Room (room 303, 1 Derby Gate). Details are listed on the Information Services training pages on the intranet.
For further information about any of the Library’s online resources please contact Angela Rushbrook on 020 7219 3973.