Updated 4 January 2013
The CMS (Child Maintenance Service) have updated their useful leaflet specifically for MPs and their staff. It is dated December 2012.
What is this leaflet about? Here’s what the CMS say in their introduction:
“Child maintenance issues feature in most MPs’ postbags. In this leaflet, we explain some important changes to the child maintenance system and point you to the best people to answer your questions.
“This leaflet focuses on the new 2012 Child Maintenance Scheme, managed by the Child Maintenance Service. It explains the differences between this scheme and the previous schemes, and between the services that deliver them. It also answers questions that you might have about child maintenance in general.
“If you have specific questions about the Child Support Agency, the 1993 scheme or the 2003 scheme, please call your Child Support Agency MP hotline.”
If you haven’t had a copy of this leaflet, ring your local CSA hotline and ask them to send one to you.