Dissolution 2015

Commons in Session

This is our main page for the 2015 Dissolution of Parliament.   As information  about the arrangements arrives, we will post it here or create links to more detailed information, on the public Parliament website, on the Parliamentary intranet and on the IPSA website.  If you want to know more generally about how dissolution will affect you, please see our general information page.

We strongly recommend that you download the Dissolution Guide in PDF format so that you can refer to it during the dissolution period.


MP Hotlines: to the best of our knowledge, candidates will be able to contact some hotlines in the usual manner.  However, they must provide written proof of consent to act, otherwise all replies will be sent directly to the constituents and not to the candidates.  We will let you know more as soon as we have the information.

HMRC’s guidance on casework is:

  • After Parliament is dissolved all HMRC replies and enquiries co-ordinated by the Ministerial Correspondence Team will be sent to the constituent directly – the MP no longer being able to act for their constituent
  • Ministerial Correspondence is drafting a new acknowledgment template to inform the MP we will reply to the constituent during this period

UKVI’s guidance on casework is:

  • UK Visas and Immigration – during the pre-election period from 30 March, enquiries from parliamentary candidates should be submitted in writing to mpcorrespondence@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk or Central Point of Receipt, PO Box 1586, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 2XZ.   All enquiries about individual cases should be accompanied by a written authorisation to act on behalf of the constituent. MP phone lines will be closed.

IPSA Guidance on Dissolution

There is some guidance on the Parliamentary intranet here, and more detailed guidance on the IPSA website here, which should give you all of the information you need to know.  There are also two downloadable booklets in PDF format:

The Parliamentary intranet has a section on dissolution and you can find its home page here: Dissolution Guidance.   This page links to information for Members who are standing at the General Election, Members who are not standing at the General Election and for Members’ staff:

Useful Contacts

Information for all Members and their staff:

Information for staff of Members not standing at the General Election:

Information for staff of Members’ standing at the General Election:

 Information for staff of Members not returned at the General Election:

Further guidance, aimed at Members can be found on the intranet here: 

Dissolution guidance: members standing at the general election includes:

During dissolution: Settling House billsParliamentary ICT and related servicesYour online presenceTelephonesAccommodation in WestminsterCar parkDealing with caseworkStationery and correspondenceJournalists

House services: Personnel Advice Service (PAS)Vote OfficeHouse of Commons ShopChamber and committee servicesInformation servicesGymnasiumRoom bookings, gallery tickets, tours and exhibitionsTravel OfficeNurseryCatering FacilitiesParliamentary Recording Unit

Members not returned at the General Election: Additional information if you are not returned at the General ElectionRedundancy procedures for your staffPensionsParliamentary ICT and related servicesTelephone services and mobile devicesAccommodation in Westminster and other facilitiesData protection and handling casework and recordsThe Association of Former Members of Parliament

Useful checklist

Dissolution Guidance: Members not standing at the General Election includes:

Finances and staff: IPSA General Election guidance for MembersRedundancy procedures for Members’ staffPensionsSums owing to the House of Commons

Other information: Your online presenceThe Association of Former Members of ParliamentJournalists,

Casework and records: Data protection and handling casework and recordsStationery and correspondence

Parliamentary ICT and related services: ICT equipmentAccess to the Parliamentary Network, email and internetTelephones, voicemail and mobile devicesICT support

The Parliamentary Estate: Access to your office and vacating itGallery tickets, tours and exhibitionsHouse of Commons and PICT servicesPostCar parkFormer Members’ security pass