Added: 13 April 2010
Debate Packs are collections of parliamentary and other relevant material produced for most non-legislative debates in the Chamber and Westminster Hall, other than half hour adjournment debates. The packs are not prepared for Opposition Day Debates.
Due to copyright restrictions, debate packs are provided for use in relation to parliamentary proceedings only.
They’re on the intranet here:
See the Library homepage for a daily selection of topical briefings as well as links to loads of other resources.
While we’re in the Library have a look at some of their other resources under the heading of Research. These are all linked from this page:
Commons Library research papers
Briefings on major Bills and other topics of public and parliamentary concern. Papers on Bills are produced before Commons Second Reading and after Commons Committee Stage.
Commons Library Standard Notes
Shorter, less formal briefings, often produced in response to frequently asked questions.
Commons debate packs
Debate packs bring together background briefings and reading material for non-legislative debates in the Chamber and Westminster Hall other than half hour adjournment debates.
House of Lords Library Notes
Briefings that provide information on topics of current interest to members of the Lords.
Constituency histories
Brief histories of parliamentary representation in constituencies. They include information on boundary changes, previous Members and their maiden speeches.
Parliamentary Information Lists (PILs)
Lists of facts and figures on a range of parliamentary topics.
Commons Library subject pages
Library research and parliamentary material organised by subject.
Bill Gateways
Bill Gateways are compiled by the House of Commons Library to provide background briefings on major Government Bills, the top seven balloted Private Members’ Bills and other selected Bills.
Commons Library Loans Service
Books, media and official publications available for loan to Members and House of Commons staff.
Constituency casework
Resources to help caseworkers with a range of frequently raised topics.
Lords Library subject pages
POST Notes
Research publications by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
Topics terms
Find out how to suggest new Topic terms or changes to existing terms on Parliament’s Topics pages.
More interested in casework than research? Try the Constituency Casework Toolkit.
There are lots of good resources from the Commons Library’s intranet pages for you, too. Start here: